If you love scouring the multilingual packaging of household products from discounter stores (a niche hobby, I must admit, even for us linguists), then there’s a fun way to automate it with LLMs like ChatGPT.
Take the back of this packet of crisps. To many, a useless piece of rubbish. To me (and some of you, I hope!), a treasure of language in use.

Greek text on a packet of crisps
Normally, I’d idly read through these, looking up any unfamiliar words in a dictionary. But, using an LLM app with an image facility like ChatGPT, you can automate that process. What’s more, you can request all sorts of additional info like dictionary forms, related words, and so on.
From Packaging to Vocab List
Take a snap of your packaging, and try this prompt for starters:
Create a vocabulary list from the key content words on the packaging label. For each word, list:
– its dictionary form
– a new, original sentence illustrating the word in use
– common related words
The results should be an instantly useful vocab list with added content for learning:

Vocabulary list compiled by ChatGPT from a food packaging label
I added a note-taking stage to round it off. It always helps me to write down what I’m learning, adding a kinaesthetic element to the visual (and aural, if you’ve had ChatGPT speak its notes out loud). Excuse the scrawl… (As long as your notes are readable by you, they’re just fine!)

Notes on a crisp packet…
It’s a fun workflow that really underscores the fact that there are free language lessons all around us.
Especially in the humblest, and often least glamorous, of places.